We provide supervision consultations for professionals.Supervision is compulsory for accredited therapists, pre-accredited  students who are undergoing training in professional counselling and psychotherapy courses. Supervision is also available to professionals in related fields of social work, community work, social care and mental health professionals,such as Teachers, Doctors, Judges, Barristers, Nurses, Guards, Accountants, etc.



Supervision is a formal arrangement for professionals and therapists to discuss their work regularly with someone who is experienced in counselling and supervision. Supervision is vital to maintain adequate standards of work. 

Many professionals work in isolation and solitude, and the work itself can be exhausting - creating vulnerability. 

Supervision can be provided on a weekly, fortnightly, or monthly basis.




I find supervision excellent and I look forward to going. It has definitely prevented burn-out for me in the last two years. I have recognised how CBT can help change how you think (cognitive) and what you do (behaviour). 

My daughter attends supervision, she is doing her internship at present she recommended I attend. I would highly recommend my colleagues and other professionals to attend.

I find after supervision I have a very restful and relaxed week. I have found these meetings extremely beneficial which helped me make adjustments in my life and daily challenges.

I find supervision powerful. I had become hardened to my work. I wish I had attended supervision when I was a young recruit.



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